Thursday, 3 June 2010

How can promotional merchandise work for your businesses marketing?

Whilst not underestimating the potential audiences that can be reached through traditional print advertising, tv and radio campaigns or the now increasingly popular online advertising, the costs for these can (and usually do) run into the thousands. Compare that to the cost of some great and effective promotional items that can cost you just pennies. For as little as £1 per unit you can get an item that can be put in the hands of a potential customer that has enormous retention value, keeping your brand message in view throughout the working day. After all, how many promotional pens have you got on your desk today?

But it’s not just about customer retention. You need to be thinking about recruitment and re-activation too. To recruit, you need impact and what better way than to look at the more obscure and funny promotional items in the marketplace. From character usb’s and shaped stress products through to novelty pens and cuddly toys…the possibilities to make a statement are endless!

So, our advice at Code Promotional Merchandise is to consider the use of the promotional item, consider your target audience, give yourself a realistic budget to work within and investigate how promotional items and corporate gifts can be a key element of your marketing plans and support the long-term growth of your business.

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